Canisius University is ranked #5 among the top 150 colleges and universities in New York State according to OnlineColleges.com 2017 Top College’s rankings.
OnlineColleges.com ranked more than 2,500 accredited colleges and universities across the U.S. using the National Center for Education Statistics’ Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Colleges and universities were ranked on a variety of factors, including affordability, student services and availability of online programs.
See the entire OnlineColleges.com rankings here.
OnlineColleges.com is a resource for individuals who want reliable information about online colleges and degree programs. Users can find the right online college and program based on subject, location and degree level.
Canisius offers 12 unique online degrees and five online certificates. Faculty combine high quality instruction with flexibility designed for working adults. So whether online or in person, Canisius students get a world-class education designed with their needs in mind. The Canisius Center for Online Learning & Innovation (COLI) supports academic technology initiatives and serves as a central point of contact for online learning for the college.
For more information about Canisius’ graduate programs, email Graduate Admissions at @email.