Business Exploration (Bus-X)

Most undergraduate business programs fall short of providing meaningful hands-on opportunities to extend concepts learned in the classroom. In fact, it’s this real-world experience that will help students develop the skillset they’ll need for lifelong career success.

Hands-on. Career-ready. 

Every Wehle student completes BUS-X, our innovative, three-part program designed to transform first-year business students into career-ready business professionals. From choosing an academic major to choosing a career, you’ll gain valuable hands-on experience from day one—and personalized coaching along the way. Rather than a traditional placement program, BUS-X is designed to give you the tools to create your own path to professional success.

Who: Undergraduate business majors
What: A unique program that provides a sequenced and experiential approach to a business education
Why: Participate in BUS-X so you can apply classroom concepts to real-world business challenges, develop a set of transferable career skills, and learn the fundamentals of business leadership

By successfully completing the BUS-X program, you will:
  • Have a firm grasp of career options and professional pathways
  • Understand how the functional areas of business combine to achieve overall goals
  • Develop a set of job search skills
  • Gain a network of business professionals, alumni and community leaders
  • Gain valuable practical experience through hands-on activities such as internships, consulting projects and approved service-learning activities

Three Sequential Courses

Freshman Year – BUS 101  Career Launchpad 

  • Explore majors and career paths
  • Participate in the Business Immersion Challenge

Sophomore Year – BUS 201 Explore Careers

  • Sharpen your resume and interview skills
  • Participate in mock interviews
  • Learn and develop networking skills

Junior/Senior Year – BUS 401 Business in Action

As a student, you would complete one or more of these types of experiences:

  • Gain real business experience through hands-on activities and projects
  • Do one or more internships
  • Participate in a student consulting project
  • Participate in the Golden Griffin Fund and CFA Research Challenge
  • Volunteer through Enactus


Get in touch:

Eric Redpath
Director of Student Careers & Employer Relations
Wehle School of Business
716-888-2106 or @email