Visit & Events

Featured Visits

canisius accepted students

Accepted Students Day

It's time to get a glimpse into your college future! Register for one of two Accepted Students Day events to meet with faculty, students and see Canisius life up close. It's also a great time to make your deposit, review financial aid information and tour campus! 

March 29: Accepted Students Day

Register Now

April 12: Accepted Students Day 

Register Now

Program Specific Experiences for Accepted Students

Preview a day in the life of a Griff!

April 3: Animal Behavior, Ecology & Conservation Class and Zoo Trip

Register Now 

April 22: All-College Honors Day

Register Now

Visit Options

Undergraduate Visit Options

Visit options are available with the Undergraduate Admissions Office Monday through Saturday at various times throughout the day. Please schedule your appointment at least one business day in advance of the date you are requesting a visit.

Register for a Visit

Virtual Visits & Tour
Virtual Meetings with Admissions

Connect with your Admissions Counselor remotely! Email @email to schedule a conversation with your counselor.

Take a Virtual Tour

Start Your Tour

Financial Aid Appointments

Connect virtually with a financial aid counselor. 

Schedule Appointment 

Transfer Visits

Are you thinking of transferring to Canisius to finish your undergraduate degree? Join us on campus for an Counselor appointment, financial aid walkthrough, or a tour of Canisius!

Transfer Information Session Dates:

March 14, 2025

April 4, 2025

May 9, 2025


Register for a Visit

Group Visits

Schools or organizations interested in bringing groups of students in grades 9-12 to campus can register through the link below. 


Graduate Visit Options

Discover how Canisius can help you advance your career at an open house, online information session, or other graduate admissions events.

Learn More