Associate Professor

PhD, Integrative Biology, Lehigh University
MS, Biology, St Joseph's University
BS, Biology with Psychology Minor, Canisius University
Dr. Snekser’s courses focus on understanding the process of science that leads to our understanding of biology and relies heavily on evaluating primary literature. She particularly loves teaching introductory courses and any course focused on biological diversity. Dr. Snekser’s research interests lie in understanding different aspects of social behavior as related to ecology and evolution, focusing on both ultimate and proximate reasons for behavioral expression. She utilizes the diversity in fishes to explore a variety of behaviors, including parental care, territoriality, sexual behavior, and shoalmate choice. Fish live all over the world and Dr. Snekser loves traveling with her students to explore reefs, streams, and desert springs. She can also spend hours watching the fish that live within her laboratory. Dr. Snekser, her collaborators, and students regularly present their work at scientific meetings and publish in behavior and conservation journals.
- David Newton Award for Excellence in Teaching, Long Island University
- AAUW (American Association of University Women) American Research Publication Grant
- National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellowship
- Snekser JL & Itzkowitz M. 2019. Serial monogamy benefits both sexes in the biparental convict cichlid. Peer J. e6535.
- Black AN, Snekser JL, Al-Shaer L, Paciorek T, Bloch A, Little K, & Itzkowitz, M. 2016. A review of the Leon springs pupfish (Cyprinodon bovinus) long-term conservation strategy and response to habitat restoration. Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems. 26, 410–416.
- Snekser JL, Ruhl N, Bauer K & McRobert SP. 2010. The influence of sex and phenotype on shoaling decisions in zebrafish. International Journal of Comparative Psychology. 23, 70-81.
- Snekser JL, Leese J, Ganim A & Itzkowitz M. 2009. Caribbean damselfish with varying territory quality: correlated behaviors, but not a syndrome. Behavioral Ecology. 20, 124-130.
- Wisenden BD, Snekser JL, Stumbo AD & Leese JM. 2008. Parental defence of an empty nest after catastrophic brood loss. Animal Behaviour. 76, 2059-2067.