Chair/Associate Professor
Faculty Associate Dean—Inclusion and Engagement

BA: English. Grand Valley State University
MA: Comparative Literature. Purdue University
PhD: Comparative Literature. Washington University-St. Louis.
Dr. Reitsma’s research and teaching focus on gender, sexuality, race and (im)migration in film and literature in Spanish and English. Dr. Reitsma teaches Spanish, Latin American Studies, and Honors at Canisius University, and has taught graduate courses at Universidad IberoAmericana Puebla and the American Studies Center at the University of Warsaw. Dr. Reitsma directs study abroad programs in Cuba and Mexico. Current projects include an examination of Buffalo industry and slavery in Cuba, another on LGBTQIA+ issues in Cuba, and a work on Immigration/Deportation in Mexico. He is the founding director of the Borders & Migrations Initiative, and the LatinX and LGBTQ Speakers Series. Dr. Reitsma was recently appointed Faculty Associate Dean of Inclusion and Engagement.
Listen to Dr. Reitsma Discuss Diversity on the Magis Podcast
“Teaching Spanish Conversation Through the UAPs: A Pedagogy of Jesuit Values and Mission.” Jesuit Higher Education. Vol. 11. No. 1. Article 7. Spring 2022.
“Embracing Diversity Through Mission and Identity at Canisius University” AJCUNET October 2021.
“Going Beyond Tolerance and Acceptance.” Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education. No. 59. Spring 2021. 18-19.
Interviewing While LBGTQ: The Questions and Issues You Should Think About on the Academic Job Market.” The Chronicle of Higher Education. 61.30 6 April 2015. (11pages)…
“Literature, Gay Men’s.” International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, Eds. Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin. Malden, Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. 2015. 700-705.
World Film Locations: Havana: Ed. Ann Marie Stock. Bristol, UK : Intellect Books. 2014: 3 Mini Essays:
- “The Last Days of the Victim/Los últimos días de la victima.” 66-67.
- “Before Night Falls/Antes que anochezca.” 70-71.
- “Honey for Oshun/Miel para Oshun.” 72-73.
“Queer (In)Tolerance in Children’s Animated Film.” Queer Love in Film and Television, Critical Essays. Eds. Pamela Demory and Christopher Pullen. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2013. 129-138.
“Quo vadis, queer vato? Queer and Loathing in Latino Cinema.” LGBT Transnational Identity and the Media. Ed. Chris Pullen. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 231-241.