Professor Emeritus

B.A. University of Chicago. Major: Mathematics
M.A. Duke University.
Ph.D. Duke University.
Dr. Bisson's main research interests are in theory of combinatorics and graph theory, with connections to algebraic topology and category theory. He regularly participates in international conferences on these areas. He has worked on many independent research projects with Canisius students, with topics in non-Euclidean geometry, algebraic geometry and applications of computer algebra. He also teaches general liberal arts math courses on the history of mathematics, and has directed the math seminar courses for mathematics majors, and designed a course for math/science majors on Mathematics of Climate and Sustainability. He was co-director of the NSF funded REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program; and currently co-runs a Math Circles program for area school students. His musical activities include singing, and playing recorder and penny whistle. He is quite active locally in the W.N.Y. Peace Center and Latin American Solidarity Committee
- National Merit Scholarship at the University of Chicago
- National Defense Education Act Fellowship at Duke University
- Honorary Inductee in Canisius University chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu, 1995.
- Martin Luther King Award, Canisius University, Spring 1997.
T. Bisson and A. Tsemo, "A homotopical algebra for graphs related to zeta functions", Homology, Homotopy and its Applications, Vol. 11, 2009, 1-14.
T. Bisson and A. Joyal, "Q-rings and the homology of the symmetric groups", Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 202 (1997) Proceedings of a conference on "the renaissance of the operad", 235-286.
T. Bisson and A. Joyal, "The Dyer-Lashof algebra in bordism", C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Can. Vol. 17 (1995), 135-140.
T. Bisson and A. Joyal, "Nishida relations in bordism and homology", C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Can. Vol. 17 (1995), 141-146.
Jon P. Glass and T. Bisson, "The Etale Sheaf Cohomology of a Class of Singular Varieties," Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Vol. XXXIX, 69-80, 1983.