Associate Professor
Director- Health, Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy (Coaching)

B.S. Canisius University, February 1997
M.S. Canisius University, September 1998
Ed.D. D’Youville College, August 2014
Dr. Seymour joined the department of kinesiology as a full-time faculty member in the fall of 2007. He serves as the Director for Health, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy including the Coaching programs. Dr. Seymour teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in physical education and sport pedagogy specializing in teaching methods, assessment, and coaching.
Dr. Seymour’s research involves the exploration of issues related to the physical education profession including educational policy influences, pedagogical and assessment practices, social justice, and coaching. He has several publications to his record in journals like Quest, The International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, The Journal of Inquiry and Action, The Physical Educator, Strategies, Issues in Teacher Education, and The British Journal of Educational Psychology. Additionally, Dr. Seymour serves as the President of New York State Association for the Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD).
Originally, from Brampton, Ontario, Canada, Dr. Seymour is a former Ice Griff and as a student-athlete at Canisius University earned his Bachelor’s Degree in 1997 followed by his Master’s Degree in 1998. In November 2013, Clancy was honored by Canisius University with a twenty year (Bene Merenti) service award. He completed his doctorate from D’Youville College in August 2014.
Physical education has a strong presence in both Dr. Seymour’s professional and personal life. He lives in Wheatfield, NY with his wife Karin Seymour, who is also a graduate of the Canisius University physical education teacher education program and a local K-12 health and physical educator. At home, Karin and Clancy are continuously refining their craft as health and physical educators with 4 beautiful children ages 8 through 10.
- President, (2019-2020) New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (Rotation cycle – 2018-2021)
- Canisius University. (2018). Twenty Year Service Award
- Nominated/Won President Elect, (2017) New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (Rotation cycle – 2018-2021)
- New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (2017) Professional of the Year.
- New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (2014) Higher Education Amazing Person.
- Canisius University. Department of Kinesiology. Sport Studuies, Health and Physical Education Majors Club. (2008). Professor Award
- Canisius University. (2013). Fifteen Year Service Award
- Canisius University. Department of Athletics (2008). Service Recognition Award
- D’Youville College. (2013). Doctoral Scholar’s Award
- (2014). Honored as one of 5 Hockey Coaches in the Modern Era of Canisius University Hockey
- Finn, K., Seymour, C. M., & Philips, A. (2019). Weight bias and grading among middle and high school teachers. British Journal of Educational Psychology.
- Seymour, C M., Burns, B., & Henry, J. (2018). Cooperating Teachers: Stakeholders in the edTPA? Issues in Teacher Education, 27(1), 41-56.
- Seymour, C. M., Donnelly, J. P., & Lindauer, J. R. (2018). A clinically rich model in physical education teacher education. The Physical Educator, 75(3), 438–453.
- Seymour, C. M., & Finn, K. (2019). Bias in Physical Educators’ Grading Practices with ELA Literacy. The Physical Educator, 76(2), 427-439. https://doi:10.18666/TPE-2019-V76-I2-8541
- Seymour, C. M., Illg, K., Donnelly, J., Kozlowski, K., Lopata, C., & Thomeer, M. (2019). Effects of Common Core State Standards on student physical activity rates and student and teacher perceptions in physical education. The Physical Educator. 76(5), 1266-1286.
- Seymour, C. M., & Garrison, M. J. (2015). Is the physical being taken out of physical education? On the possible effects of high-stakes testing on an embattled profession’s curriculum goals. Quest, 67(4), 400-408.
- Seymour, C. M., & Garrison, M.J. (2017). Value added models and the implementation of the National Standards of K-12 Physical Education. The Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education, 8(2), 90-102.
- Seymour, C. M., & Garrison, M. J. (2016). What they think about how they are evaluated: Perspectives of New York State physical educators on teacher evaluation policy. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 11(6).
- Seymour, C. M., & Reeds, G. K. (2018). Teaching Methods for Coaches — Coaching Methods for Teachers. Strategies 31(6), 10-15.