Chair, Teacher Education and Leadership

Ph.D. State University of New York at Buffalo
Master of Education: Canisius University
Bachelor of Science: State University of New York College at Geneseo
Dr. Marya Grande’s career started as an elementary special education teacher in the Niagara Wheatfield Central School District. While working as a consultant teacher in grades K-5, Dr. Grande completed her Master of Education in Advanced Special Education at Canisius University. While completing her PhD in Special Education at the University at Buffalo, Dr. Grande served as a 6 + 1 Traits of Writing professional development provider to the Buffalo Public Schools and other districts across Western New York. Her dissertation research investigated the effectiveness of the 6 + 1 Traits of Writing program for students in high need settings.
Dr. Grande currently teaches candidates in the Special Education/Childhood Education programs about the special education system and the rights of parents in this process. She also teaches candidates how to work effectively with students with mild disabilities (learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism, etc.) and with students in high-need settings. Her research interests involve how assistive technology can improve the educational performance and engagement of students with high-incidence disabilities, as well as best practices in teacher education.
For six years, she co-directed a 1.4 million dollar federal grant from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) division of the U.S. Department of Education. Through this endeavor, Dr. Grande and her colleagues have transformed our Childhood and Special Education programs that equip our teacher candidates with the necessary tools to provide high quality education via evidence-based practices and careful progress monitoring for all students to succeed.
Grande, M. Harper, K, & Marable, M. (2011). The JUSTICE Project: Justice for Underserved Students: Teachers in Inclusive Classroom Environments. United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities, (CFDA 84.325T), $1,500,000.
Grande, M. (2010). WNY Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schools Minigrant: Swimming With the Tide Instead of Against It: Apple Technologies in Special Education, $1000.
Grande, M. (2011- accepted). Swimming with the Tide: Apple Technologies in Special Education. Dean’s Summer Research Grant, Canisius University, $2500.
Leavitt-Noble, K. & Grande, M. (2007 - accepted). Literacy Luggage: Dean’s Summer Research Grant, Canisius University, $2500.
Grande, M. (2007). Summer Research Faculty Fellowship Award, Canisius University, $4300.
Grande, M., Burns, B., & Astiz, M.F. (2006). Summer in the City. Dean’s Summer Research Grant, Canisius University, $2500.
Grande, M., Burns, B., Marable, M., Wallace, N., & Astiz, M.F. (2005). Summer in the City. The Dean’s Summer Research Grant, Canisius University, $1,900.
Grande, M. & Marable, M. (2004). Universal Design for Learning. Regional Task Force Summer Action Grant. New York State Higher Education Support Center, $10,000.
Grande, M. (2000). Ladybug Luggage. Niagara Orleans BOCES: Teacher Mini-Grants.
Grande, M. (2000). Bluebird Baggage. Niagara Orleans BOCES: Teacher Mini-Grants.
Grande, M. (2002). The Effectiveness of the 6+1 Traits of Writing Analytical Scale as an Instructional Tool. University at Buffalo: Mark Diamond Research Fund.
Grande, M. & Pontrello, C. (2016). Teacher candidates implementing universal design for learning: Enhancing picture books with QR codes. Journal on School Educational Technology, 12(2), 11-22.
Grande, M. & Whalen, J. Z. (2017). Creating digital science texts: An opportunity for teacher candidates to understand and implement universal design for learning. Teacher Education and Practice, 30(4), 616-636.
Grande, M. (2015). Chapter 8: Differentiating instruction for diverse learners. In Salend, S. Creating Inclusive Classrooms, 8th edition, Pearson, Inc.
Leavitt-Noble, K.A. & Grande, M. (2012). Creating school to home literacy bags. New Teacher Advocate, 20(1), 10-11.
Marable, M.A., Leavitt-Noble, K.A. & Grande, M. (2010). Book talks in special education methods courses: Using literature to influence, inspire, and prepare teacher candidates. Teacher Education and Special Education, 33(2), 143-154.
Grande, M. (2008). Using dialogue journals and interest inventories with classroom volunteers. Teaching Exceptional Children, 41(2), 56-63.
Murray, R. Grande, M., DiCamillo, L., Henry, J., & Henry, D. (2008). The annotated unit: A systematic approach to documenting candidate effectiveness in facilitating P-12 student learning. Action in Teacher Education, 30(3), 74-87.
Burns, B. & Grande, M., & Marable, M. (2008). Factors influencing teacher candidates’ participation in a paid tutoring experience for urban students. Issues in Teacher Education 17(2), 101-116.
Grande, M., Burns, B., Schmidt, R., Wallace, N., & Marable, M. (2008). Impact of a paid tutoring experience on candidates’ willingness to work in urban schools. The Teacher Educator, 44(3), 188-203.
Hartwick, P. & Grande, M. (2005). (Eds.) Monograph of after school tutoring research and the efficacy of strategic tutoring on academic progress. (Congressional Award #P116Z030053)
Grande, M. (2004). Increasing parent participation and knowledge with home literacy bags. Intervention in School & Clinic, 40(2), 120-126.
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