Associate Professor

BEd., Ontario College of Faculty of Education, Brock University, 1997
ED.D., Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 1994
MA, University of Western Ontario, 1984-86
Dr. Sawicki is the Director of the Online Physical Education Masters degree at Canisus College. Dr. Sawicki has been teaching at Canisius University since the fall of 1997 and founded the online physical education program in 2006. He is considered an expert in the field of motor development having written and presented at conferences on early child physical development. The courses Dr. Sawicki teaches at Canisius University are: Coaching, Movement Education and Motor Development. He has written a book titled: Teaching students physical education through a movement education approach (2021). Mellen Press.
Sawicki, T. M. and S. O’Rourke (2016). Use of Student Feedback for Online Learning. The International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS), Vol. 7, (2): 1152 - 1156.
Sawicki, T. M. and S. O’Rourke (2016). Use of Student Feedback for Online Learning. Paper published in refereed conference proceedings Canada International Conference on Education (CICE) at the University of Toronto on June 27, 2016, p. 94-97.
Sawicki, T. M. (2016). Reviewer – for Gabbard, Carl (7th edition). Lifelong Motor Development which is current textbook I use in PEG 660, see acknowledgements page. Aided with front cover of textbook.
Sawicki, T. M. (2015). Online Teaching: Research and Tips from the Trenches. Paper published in refereed conference proceedings Canada International Conference on Education (CICE) at the University of Toronto on June 22, 2015.
Cavanaugh, L. and Sawicki, T.M. (2013). Perceptions of Taking an Online Physical Education Courses: A Qualitative Analysis. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 10 (5), 65-71.