Our Mission

We are an intentional Catholic Faith Community formed in the Jesuit tradition and guided by Ignatian spirituality. We welcome and we embrace all of God’s people. With prayer, worship and a discerning spirit, we journey to discover what God is calling us to be. 

Christ the King Chapel

The historic Christ the King Chapel, located on the Canisius University Campus, is our worship center and our spiritual home. All people of all faith backgrounds are welcome to join us for worship, prayer and community. The Chapel is generally open from morning to night. All are welcome to visit, rest, pray and discern their relationship with God in our Chapel. Groups are welcome to gather in the Chapel for many types of community events by contacting our staff.

Our Staff 

Fr. Frederick G. Betti, S.J.  Chaplain 
Office: 716-888-2875 / Cell:  716-572-8377

Deacon Gary Andelora, Sacramental Minister/ Faith Formation
Office: 716-888-2425

Masses, Liturgies and Sacrament Celebrations

canisius chapel students outside

Faith Community Liturgies continue throughout the year and are not limited to the Academic schedule of the University. Adjustments will be announced.   

Mass Schedule

Effective September 3, 2024

Sunday Masses in Christ the King Chapel

  • 9:30 AM 
  • 7:00 PM

Weekday Masses in Christ the King Chapel

  • Monday-Friday 12:05 PM
  • Wednesday 5:15 PM


  • Monday and Friday  11:00 - 12
  • Wednesday 4:45-5:15

Annointing of the sick: After 12:05 pm on Fridays

Communion Calls:  Contact Fr. Betti
Mass Intentions: for weekday and Sunday Masses may be arranged by contacting Fr. Betti

Memorial Masses: Contact Fr. Betti 

canisius chapel wedding

Weddings in the Chapel: The Sacrament of Marriage in the Roman Catholic Rite only may be celebrated in the Chapel. For requirements, schedules and other details please contact Deacon Gary Andelora @ 716-888-2425,

Baptisms: Please contact Fr. Betti to arrange for the celebration of this Sacrament of Initiation.

Joining Our Faith Community: All are welcome to join us for our Masses, prayer and liturgies. If you wish to register to join our community and receive regular notifications please contact Fr. Betti or pick up a registration form in the Chapel on our community info table. 

Getting Involved in the Community:  We welcome the participation of our community in celebrating our worship services. We welcome lectors, trained ministers of the Eucharist, Hospitality Ministers, social event helpers, musicians, vocalists, Chapel care cleaners etc. For more information speak to Fr. Betti after our Masses or contact him in the office. 

Stewardship: We are grateful for and depend on the generosity of our community. Free Will collections are taken at our Sunday Masses.  Envelopes are also provided at the doors of the Chapel.  If you wish to have your weekly donations recorded please indicate this on our envelopes. 
Seasonal, One time or planned giving may be discussed with Fr. Betti.

Calendar of Events


Ash Wednesday (March 5, 2025)

All are welcome to take part in our services. 

8:00-8:30am Library/Tim Hortons-offering of ashes
8:45-10:00am Koessler Athletic Center (Re-Fuel Room)-offering of ashes
12:05pm Christ the King Chapel-mass with offering of ashes
12:45-2:00pm Science Hall Commons-offering of ashes
4:30-5:15pm Christ the King Chapel-offering of ashes and confessions available
7:30pm Christ the King Chapel-prayer service with offering of ashes 

The Jesuit Community of Western New York invites you to join them in praying the 125th Novena of Grace in honor of St Francis Xavier. 

March 4th-12th

Prayers will be offered: 

March 4th-7th and March 10th-12th after the 12:05pm weekday mass

Wednesday March 5th and March 12th after the 5:15pm mass

Sunday March 9th after the 9:30am mass 



Sunday April 13th: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
Masses: 9:30 AM and 7:00 PM

Monday April 14th  
Confessions 11:00-12:00 
Mass: 12:05 PM

Wednesday April 16th   
Mass: 12:05 PM
NO confessions at 4:45 and NO Mass at 5:15

Thursday April 17th: Holy Thursday  Mass of the Lord's Supper
Mass: 7:00 PM        
Chapel will remain open until 11 PM for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament

April 18th: Good Friday
1:00 - 2:30  Fr. Betti will be available for confessions
3:00  Liturgy of the Lord's Passion with Adoration of the Cross and Communion
7:00 Liturgy of the Way of the Cross  outdoor weather pending.

April 19th: Holy Saturday   
Chapel is closed for preparations 9-4
6:30 PM The VIGIL Mass of Easter with the Sacraments of Initiation.

9:30 AM Mass of the Resurrection.
NO 7:00 Mass on Easter.
