Reporting at Canisius University

At Canisius University, we understand that a safe campus is paramount to our community. We take concerns and reporting seriously. Please review our options below.

If you need immediate assistance please contact Public Safety at (716) 888-2330

Understanding Reporting Resources 

Title IX

Title IX is part of the 1972 reauthorization of the Higher Education Act and stipulates that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” Title IX requires all schools receiving federal financial assistance to take reasonable steps to create a safe, nondiscriminatory learning environment.  If discrimination based on sex occurs, Canisius University will take immediate action to end the discrimination, remedy its effects, and prevent its future recurrence.

For further details concerning Title IX and to help determine how to address a Title IX concern, students, faculty, and staff may view the University's Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy. You may also view the New York State Enough Is Enough Legislation and the Students' Bill of Rights for further details.

Bias Resource and Response Team (BRRT)

The Bias Resource and Response Team (BRRT) is a university committee devoted to campus-wide education and the promotion of best practices in addressing incidents and practices involving institutional and individual violations of university policies and values in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The BRRT is charged with reviewing institutional actions, policies, and practices and making appropriate recommendations to the Senior Leadership Team as to how the university’s commitment to a campus culture where diversity, equity, and inclusion are a priority can be enhanced and promoted.  

The BRRT is also charged with ensuring that incidents involving bias are recognized and addressed as such by persons or departments with primary jurisdiction for investigations and disciplinary processes, such as Human Resources, Public Safety, the Title IX Coordinator, and Student Life.