Professor Emerita

Ph.D. University of Maryland 1984
M.A. University of Maryland 1978
B.S. University of Maryland 1975
Dr. Kinsey is a topologist. Topology is a field of mathematics that grew from geometry but rather than studying traditional measures like length or angle measure or area, one studies the more subtle properties such as whether a given shape encloses a cavity or is orientable. She is also interesting in applications of mathematics to politics, such as voting theory and fair division problems. She is fascinated by experimental literature, especially by those writers who make use of mathematical structures in their works.
• Symmetry, Shape, and Space, An Introduction to Mathematics through Geometry, with Teresa Moore of Ithaca College, Springer–Verlag and Key College Publishers, 2002.
• Geometry and Symmetry, with Teresa Moore and Efstratios Prassidis, 2010, John Wiley and Sons.
• “A Bass-Heller-Swan Formula for Pseudoisotopies”, with Efstratios Prassidis, Geometriae Dedicata 148(2010), pp. 263-289.
• “Joining ‘the mathematician’s delirium to the poet’s logic’: Mathematical Literature and Literary Mathematics”, with Rita Capezzi, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 4(2014), pp. 67–82.
• “Iteration and Anxiety in Mathematical Literature”, with Rita Capezzi, Primus: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics 26(2016), pp. 345-355.