
M.A. University of Warsaw, Poland
Ph.D. from SUNY at Buffalo.
Her research focuses on Spanish Peninsular Literature, interdisciplinary connections between verbal and visual arts, and pedagogy of teaching languages. Currently, Dr. Stefanski writes and presents on Spanish, Latin American, and Polish short-short fiction or microfiction, which enables her to integrate several aspects of the high/low postmodern culture in her research and teachings. She developed courses such as Spanish Literary Myths: Don Quijote, Don Juan, and Carmen; Lorca and His Époque; Personal Narratives: Contemporary Spanish Essay; Spanish Minificción: and Spanish for Business. She directs study abroad to Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata, Argentina, as well as study tour to Spain following the legendary El Camino de Santiago/St. James Way. Near future plans include a study tour of the Roman/Arab Spain develeped in connection with her course on Culture and Civilization of Spain. She also founded, and co-organizes Polish Film Festival, under the auspices of the Permanent Chair of Polish Culture at Canisius University, as well as the annual Ibero-American Film Festival.
- Ibero-American Film Festival: Grants awarded by Pragda and supported by the Embassy of Spain in Washington DC, and Spain-USA Foundation. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017;
- Fitzpatrick Institute: 1)Grant to develop a seminar and scout the medieval pilgrimage road to Santiago de Compostela; 2) Grant to enhance students’ awareness of political issues in Argentina while studying abroad in Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata
- Dean’s Summer Grants. Summer 2006 and 2015
- Center for Teaching Excellence: Scholarship of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Incentive Award.
“Entre invención y descubrimiento: la minificción polaca de Mrożek y Stachura.” Minificción y nanofilología: latitudes de la hiperbrevedad, edited by Ana Rueda, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2017.
“La vida es circo: estética y estrategias narrativas en Fenómenos de Circo de Ana María Shua.” Un universo que se expande: Los nuevos mundos de la minificción, edited by Darío Hernández. 2016.
“La minificción y el arte urbano: hacia un encuentro entre genéros” . UniDiversidad. Ed. Gonzalo Hernández Baptista. Puebla: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). 2015.
“La minificción y el realismo socialista en la obra de Sławomir Mrożek”. La minificción en el siglo XXI: aproximaciones teóricas. Ed. Henry González Martínez. Bogotá D.C.: Universidad Nacional de Colombia: 2014.