Adjunct Professor

BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati
MS, PhD, Nuclear Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
MBA, Canisius University
Certificate courses in data science, Johns Hopkins University.
Several years experience in commercial nuclear power generation and radioactive waste management. Current areas of research and emphasis include non-linear regression analysis, data science, and statistics and mathematics education. Member of the American Statistical Association, Statistical Education, and Statistical Learning and Data Mining sections. Primary goal is to prepare students to be scientifically and mathematically literate contributors to society after graduation.
"SYMECON: An Economic Evaluation Code for Fusion-Fission Symbiotic Energy Systems", with F. M. Heck and H. R. Howland, presented at the 8th Symposium of Engineering Problems of Fusion Research, November, 1979.
"An Evaluation of PWR Radiation Fields and Out-of-Core Surface Activities", with J. Sejvar and F. J. Frank, EPRI Report NP-858, April 1981.
"Skyshine Dose from On-Site Low-Level Waste Storage Modules", Proceedings of the Symposium on Waste Management (Waste Management '86), vol. 3, 347-351, March 1986.
"Demonstration of a Polymeric Barrier System for Soil Erosion Control", with L. A. Rieser and J. M. Christenson, ANS Transactions 62, 35-36, November, 1990.
“A New Approach for Finding Global Minima in Nonlinear Least Squares Regression”, with L.Khinkis, Presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting, Denver, CO, August 4, 2008.