
Dr. Margaret Cain McCarthy has over thirty-five years of experience in higher education and was the founding director of the Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration (HESAA) Program in 1996 (known then as the College Student Personnel Administration Program). She earned the rank of professor and served as department chair, as interim dean of students, as dean of the School of Education and Human Services, as the associate vice president for academic affairs and, most recently, as the vice president for academic affairs. Through this range of experience, she has developed a deep understanding of the history, structure, culture, and governance of education at the college and university level. During her tenure, she enjoyed her role as an advisor to students for theses and internships and has taught Issues and Problems in Higher Education, Theories of Leadership, Legal Issues in Higher Education, and Research Methods in the program, in addition to a number of courses at the undergraduate level.
Some of Dr. McCarthy's publications are:
Mangione, T.L. & McCarthy, M.C. (2017). Genuine collaboration between student affairs and academic affairs. In S.M. Estanek, M. Galligan-Stierle, M. Gilroy, & L.L. Kirkpatrick (Eds.), Student Life in Catholic higher education: Advancing good practice. Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities.
McCarthy, M.C. & Zollman, M.A., Eds. (2014). Power of sisterhood: Women religious tell the story of the apostolic visitation. University Press of America.
McCarthy, M. (2011). The history of American higher education, a primer. Peter Lang Publishers.