4 + 1 Degree – BA or BS and MSED in Adolescence Education: Students With Disabilities

Nationwide, there’s a growing shortage of professionals who can teach adolescents with special needs, even though this student population continues to increase. School principals are looking to hire teachers to close the gap, and those certified in Students With Disabilities (All Grades) are in especially high demand. 

Looking to make a difference as a teacher for adolescents with disabilities? Our dual-degree program—the only one of its kind in the region—will give you a competitive advantage when landing a high-needs teaching position after graduation. Enroll as an undergraduate, and choose a content area: Biology, Chemistry, English, History, or Math. You’ll be able to complete your teacher education and initial certification a year earlier than usual.
Through this program, you’ll graduate in 5 years with:
A Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in your chosen content area 
A Master of Science in Education in Adolescence Education (Grades 7-12): Students With Disabilities
Initial certification in Adolescence Education in your chosen content area 
Initial certification in Adolescence Students With Disabilities (All Grades)
Eligibility for a TEACH grant
You’ll complete student-teaching as a graduate student during year 5. Both of your initial certifications will lead to professional certifications, contingent upon relevant teaching experience.

Competitive Advantages

You can complete your education in 5 years, as opposed to the usual 6 years
You’ll be a highly desirable candidate since principals prefer to hire teachers who hold more than one certification
You’ll enjoy greater flexibility through the dual degree
You can easily move around within a school district to teach different levels or courses in your content area