Greatest Need; Greatest Opportunity

December 9, 2021

The Canisius Fund remained the college’s top fundraising priority throughout FY-2020-21– and for good reason. During an incredibly challening year, gifts to the Canisius Fund provided a powerful source of unrestricted funding used in real-time to address the greatest needs of students and the college.

For instance, each year there are more students with finanical need than can be funded through exsisting endowed scholarships. Canisius Fund gifts provide scholarship support as a way to ensure that students with aspirations for a Jesuit education are able to make choices based on values, not finances. 

Today, 98 percent of undergraduate students receive some form of financial aid.  In order to continue to meet this need, the college anticipates having to invest $28 million, annually. This is why gifts to the Canisus Fund are so incredibly important.