Associate Professor
Ph.D. Kansas State University, Biology
M.Sc. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Forest Resources Management
B.S. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Zoology
Dr. O’Brien studies ecosystem ecology in freshwater rivers, streams and wetlands. The goal of his research is to understand the basic functions of ecosystems, the impacts of human activities on ecosystem function, and restoration of degraded ecosystems
The Ecosystem Ecology Lab at Canisius University supports a diverse array of undergraduate-student centered research projects. Students in Dr. O’Brien lab work on projects investigating how changing land-uses and nutrient availability alter the basic energy flows through river and stream food webs. Students are also engaged in projects looking at the effects of microplastics on aquatic ecosystems. Students often have the opportunity to travel and present the findings of their projects to other scientists at regional meetings, such as the Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference, or national meetings such as the Society for Freshwater Science.
Dr. O’Brien teaches classes in the Biology, Environmental Science and All College Honors programs. His upper-level classes include Freshwater Biology; Wetland Ecology; Zoology; Medical and Environmental Microbiology; General Microbiology; Hydrology; and Water and Society. He particularly enjoys teaching the freshman Introductory Biology sequence each year.
Kunza L, C.A. Gillis, J. Haueter, J.N. Murdock and J.M. O'Brien (2018). Declining phosphorus as a potential driver for the increased prevalence of Didymosphenia geminata mats in North American rivers. River Research and Applications (
Koch, R., D. Kerling and J.M. O'Brien (2018) Effects of chronic elevated nitrate concentrations on the structure and function of river biofilms. Freshwater Biology 63 (10): 1199-1210
O'Brien, J.M., H.J. Warburton S.E. Graham, H.M. Franklin, C.M. Febria, K.L. Hogsden, J.S. Harding, and A.R. McIntosh (2017) Leaf litter additions enhance stream metabolism, denitrification, and restoration prospects for agricultural catchments. Ecosphere 8: 11
Bray, J., J.M. O’Brien, and J.S., Harding (2017) Production of phosphatase and extracellular stalks as adaptations to phosphorus limitation in Didymosphenia geminata. Hydrobiologia 784: 51-63.
Kinsman-Costello, L.E., J.M. O’Brien, J.T. Lennon and S.K. Hamilton (2016) Phosphorus release from the drying and reflooding of diverse shallow sediments. Biogeochemistry 130: 159-176.