Associate Professor

Ph.D. English Literature- University of Massachusetts at Amherst
B.A. English- Bowling Green State University
Dr. Wolf teaches first-year writing courses called "Science and Society" and "The Ghosts That Haunt Us," core courses including "The Journey in World Literature" and upper-level courses on Jane Austen, Gothic novels, eighteenth-century English literature, and the history of the novel. Some of Dr. Wolf's favorite authors to teach include Jonathan Swift, Eliza Haywood, Austen, Charles Dickens, Chimamanda Adichie, Barbara Kingsolver, Toni Morrison, and Ken Liu. Dr. Wolf directs the English Honors Program.
Dr. Wolf received the Innovative Course Design Award from the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies for her Fall 2004 course “The Coffeehouse Culture of Eighteenth-Century England."
- Review of Karen Lipsedge’s Domestic Space in Eighteenth-Century British Novels. Digital Defoe. 7.1 (2015).
- Review of Kathryn R. King’s A Political Biography of Eliza Haywood. The Scriblerian. 47.2 (Spring 2015):
- “Bernard Mandeville, Fielding’s Amelia, and the Necessities of Plot.” The Eighteenth-Century Novel 4 (2004): 73-102.
- “Epistolarity, Narrative, and the Fallen Woman in Mansfield Park.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 16.2 (2004): 265-285.