The Downing Magis Challenge

October 19, 2014

BUFFALO, NY - “Magis,” from the Latin term “more,” is a Jesuit principle that invites us to do more, be more and achieve more for the greater glory of God.

Franklin Downing HON ’11 embodied this Jesuit ideal.

Best known as the founder and longtime owner of F.G. Downing’s Towne Automotive Group, Downing grew the auto retail dealer into the third largest in the region, with 10 franchises, 360 employees and gross sales of $250 million.

But Downing considered his professional success a gift to be shared with the community that supported him and his business. In his own quiet and understated way, he played a prominent role in so much that is good in Western New York.

Canisius University is one of many organizations fortunate to be a beneficiary of Downing’s time and generosity. He placed a high value on education, particularly Catholic school education and that spirit has become his legacy.

Thanks to a very generous gift made possible through Frank Downing’s estate, a portion of his bequest will be used to match new and increased gifts to the Canisius Fund, through May 31, 2015, up to $250,000.

By giving more, you help our students be more and do more on behalf of others. That’s how Downing lived his life. It’s how he’s inspiring us in his passing.

Click here to make your contribution today.