Gilman Scholar: "Worldview Broken to Bits"

June 4, 2014

Canisius student Neil Savoy ’15 is studying at Comillas Pontifical University in Spain this semester, as a recipient of a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, the prestigious scholarship provides study abroad opportunities to students so they may gain a better understanding of other countries, cultures, languages and economies.

“I want to have my current worldview broken to bits so that I may reassemble it using this new experience to learn about others cultures,” says Savoy. A triple major, pursuing degrees in English, Spanish and creative writing, Savoy adds that studying abroad in Spain is the first step in his becoming a world citizen. “Until I can stare another culture in the face, become immersed in its people and language, I will not truly understand my relationship with the world around me.”

Savoy is enrolled in translation and international relations classes at Comillas, as well as a Spanish class for international students. After graduation, he plans to teach English in impoverished communities in Central and South America.