
Displaying 941 - 950 of 1708
November 7, 2016
Support will be used to expand entrepreneurial education opportunities for non-business faculty and students BUFFALO, NY ― Canisius University Associate Professor and Director of Entrepreneurship Ji-Hee Kim, PhD, is the recipient of a one-year $25,000 Faculty Entrepreneurship Fellows Program grant from the Coleman Foundation. Kim will use the grant, effective for the 2016-17 academic year, to…
November 7, 2016
Canisius says thank you to its generous benefactors
November 6, 2016
Recognized for first-year student retention rate, average graduation rate, small class sizes and student-faculty ratio
November 6, 2016
Playmaker Darren Fenn ‘01 brings his professional playbook back to Buffalo.
November 6, 2016
Allegra C. Jaros ’93, MBA ’96 looks after the community’s most precious assets, as president and CEO of Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo
November 6, 2016
Liz Culliton Washo to build strategic alumni engagement program
November 6, 2016
Members work to further engage graduates
November 6, 2016
Producer and director Erin E. Bagwell ’09 screens her new feature-length documentary
November 6, 2016
Leaders in their fields recognized for professional contributions
November 6, 2016
Susan W. Margulis, PhD, finds the melodic hum of the rain forest provides comfort to Western lowland gorillas